
Bible verse beware of false prophets
Bible verse beware of false prophets

bible verse beware of false prophets

Such smooth teachers are sweet soul-poisoners (Jer. Non acerba, sed blanda, Not bitter, but flattering words do all the mischief, said Valerian, the Roman emperor. False teachers are hell's greatest enrichers. Flattery undid Ahab and Herod, Nero and Alexander.

#Bible verse beware of false prophets skin

They are like evil chirurgeons, that skin over the wound, but never heal it. They handle holy things rather with wit and dalliance (playful come-on) then with fear and reverence. And what will you do in the end thereof?' (Jer. 'A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land: the prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means, and my people love to have it so. They preach more to please the ear than to profit the heart: 'Which say to the seers, See not and to the prophets, Prophecy no unto us right things: speak to us smooth things prophecy deceits'' (Isa. False Teachers are Men-Pleasersįalse teachers are men-pleasers (Gal. Now you may know them by these characters following: 1.

bible verse beware of false prophets

Now, the best way to deliver poor souls from being deluded and destroyed by these messengers of Satan is, to discover them in their colors, that so, being known, poor souls may shun them, and fly from them as from hell itself. These kiss and kill these cry, Peace, peace, till souls fall into everlasting flames, &c., Proverbs 7. These lick and suck the blood of souls: 'Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision.' (Phil. 'Beware of false prophets, for they come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves'. They seduce them, and carry them out of the right way into by-paths and blind thickets of error, blasphemy, and wickedness, where they are lost forever. 'The prophets make my people to err.' (Micah 3:5). 3:4-6 Titus 1:11,12 2 Peter 2:18,19): 'I have seen folly in the prophets of Samaria they prophesied in Baal, and caused my people Israel to err.' (Jer. That Satan labours might and main, by false teachers, which are his messengers and ambassadors, to deceive, delude, and for ever undo the precious souls of men (Acts 20:28-30 2 Cor.

Bible verse beware of false prophets